Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My attempt at Valentine cards

Hi to all,
Well it's been a while since I have blogged... But everyone needs a break, and for some reason life always gets in the way as well??

This month was Valentines day so I made my version of Victorian style Valentine's for a few friends of mine... I had so much fun! I tried to make each one different and unique to the new owner.. I even scribed a original Valentine verse for the dear fairy girls and decorated the back.. Anyway I am glad to be back .. For now anyway??
I am trying to decide what my subject matter will be this 2009..

Enjoy the snap shots of the Valentines I made. Fronts & (some)backs :-) I even made the envelopes. You can kind of see the different colors & patterns of the paper as I laid the card ontop when I took the pictures..
