Thursday, June 08, 2023

Sasquatch Stamp 1990 Canada


It appears Canada embraces the ancient folks, unlike The US rumor mill brands them as Villains, and Monsters. The stamps were issued in1990.

The others in the series ,the giant squid has been proven to exist, Ogo Pogo there are some very interesting theories on that currently. Were Wolfs,well I find it hard to believe they are a creature like the classics describe, but are they another dead ended species who's  DNA  is from evolutionary History?

Abandoned House Wren eggs can be ovoided

 This is the reason you need to time when you cut brush or high grass and weeds on your property.  Early spring or late fall. Other wise Birds like this House Wren lay her eggs in her ground or low brush nests. Once Disturbed they do not come back . A real shame..