"Night-Blooming Cereus " Queen of the Night Peniocereus greggii(Cereus greggii)
Very lovely night blooming flowers Quote: For one midsummer's night each year, its exquisitely scented flower opens as night falls, then closes forever with the first rays of the morning sun.
I am tending the starts with care as they are precious to me as the friendship..
Thank You Carol.. I will keep you updated on the plants progress. I mixed my own desert soil recipe. I have lived in desert regions.. I of course used my botanical no how<--LOL --->
Like " Mother Nature" listens to THAT!!
Sparkles All & Happy May Day
PS: To all My faithful blog readers & fellow blogger's, I have changed my comments settings to: Anyone can leave comments now---> you do not have to be a blog member to post now.. Sorry I meant to change that a long time ago .. But I forgot<---:-)