Friday, August 24, 2007

Manuka Honey

Manuka Flower

Hi to all , Well I am still doing research for my friend and for stomach cancer. I am doing well. I have found natural treatments that are used abroad which have more than promising results in the Japanese culture. Now I found something from New Zealand. It is honey, aboriginal "Manuka". I am a walking testimonial for tea tree oil and as some of you may know it is a wonder--> a true natural wonder. I purchase a product of tea oil from "Thursday Plantation" tea oil products. Skin aliments, infection, ear infection, you name it--> it will resolve almost any skin aliment.. I know I used it for over ten years. Well it had crossed my mind some time ago about bees in the tea oil tree groves.. I wondered what the honey was like? Well, I accidentally came across this research as I did some cross referencing on stomach cancer. Particularly the "helicobacter pylori bacteria" .
Unknown to most of my closest friends I suffer from very painful stomach problems. (pre peptic ulcers I fear.) But I have worked hard for a long time with diet and stress related practices to over come. As I feel that my problems stem from emotional stress coming from my life in general. Then my son deploying to Iraq four times that just about finished me off.. I have been successful with Chinese herbal treatments that I have learned to create and use .. But my discovery of this honey really excites me. It will taste much better than cabbage juice<--( which I have learned to like it!!) I have always believed what comes from nature can be cured by nature. That's what makes this world balanced. I have ordered this product and will up date my results with it... Tea oil works wonders on the outside so I have high hopes this will echo those results..

I have copied and posted some of the research explanations from Dr.Molan pages below.

Many sparkles Bee

Active Manuka Honey, is harvested from the flower of the wild, un-cultivated Tea Tree Bush (called leptospermum scoparium) in New Zealand. The bees are placed in the middle of wild tea tree bushes to collect this precious, medicinal honey. The honey is then very carefully extracted from the comb in a process called 'cold slung'. The honey is 'swung cold' out of the comb, after carefully scrapping off the comb capings. The comb capings keep the honey inside the comb. ( this is the method I use here at home with my honey) Active Manuka Honey has been used by New Zealand's Aboriginal people for centuries for both stomach as well as wound healing purposes.

Active Manuka Honey has been researched over 20 years by Dr. Molan, Senior Lecturer, Biochemistry Department at the Waikato University in New Zealand. Dr. Molan has found that Active Manuka Honey seems to naturally destroy staph, strep as well as the h. pylori bacterium (helicobacter pylori ) the bacteria typically associated to stomach ulcers & stomach cancer). For more information about Dr. Molan's Reserach work, please visit the website of the Waikato University. Active Manuka Honey has been shown in laboratory studies to have antibacterial activity against the 7 most common species of bacteria found in wounds. 58 strains of Staphylococcus Aureus isolated from infected wounds showed complete inhibition at concentrations of 2-3% Active Manuka Honey.

What is Active Manuka Honey used for Internally?

· Acid Reflux
· Heartburn
· Esophagus Ulcer
· Up-set Stomach
· Stomach Ulcer/Peptic Ulcer
· Helicobacter Pylori
· Gastritis
· Duodenal Ulcer
· Ulcerative Colitis
· Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Are there any side-effects to Active Manuka Honey"

· No known side effects (occasional burning / stinging sensation, when used for external wound care, keep reading)
· Supported by extensive research
· Protects and heals
· Can be used long-term
· Easy to use and safe
· Anti-inflammatory effect
· Antibacterial effect 4 times greater than standard Antiseptic (minimum 18% carbolic equivalent)
· Naturally seem to destroy staphaureus, streptococcus and helicobacter pylori
· Fights Methicillin-Resistant Staph Auereus (MRSA)
· Painless changing of wound dressing
· No malodor
· No skin grafting needed
· Cost effective

There are no known side effects to Active Manuka Honey when used internally, unless you are allergic to honey itself. Occasionally, when Active Manuka Honey is used on an external wound, it can burn and sting for a while, because of it's high activity level. If the burning and stinging persists after 5-10 minutes, the Active Manuka Honey must be removed from the wound and can be replaced with Regular Manuka Honey. The Regular Manuka Honey should not burn and sting at all when applied to a wound and can still be quite effective in helping the wound heal all natural.

For more information or purchasing information here is a link;