Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Cryptids, or a Ancient Civilization that has survived ?

I don't know how to explain this but I have to go with my gut I keep looking and  I keep seeing. My Mom always told me to look with better eyes. I never truly understood til now.   I believe that this secret world is as old as time itself. Most people have evolved in a way that  does not let us to see our world as it truly is. 
I do not know how or why. Once i learned how to see its all very different for me now. 
(I have added a black and white filter to this photo.)

This Photo  below I took off one of my videos. I never felt in peril at any time and this being was about 200 feet from me. Very amazing looking. This being never really moved it turned its head once as to look down next to itself as if it was looking at something?

The photo  below was taken off video footage my husband and I took at great peril.
The tribe was busy harvesting food sources. There where children present
females human in appearance, animal like men. and also human like men. As the  video was taken we were surrounded by at least 15 individuals. We unknowing walked right in the middle of them all. My husband was 50 feet from this fellow we gently moved away as we felt tension from the group. The group does know us, but that said we where to close for comfort for them.
( I've lightened this photo)