Saturday, March 03, 2007


Hi to all in this month of March... These are some photos a friend shared with me of her trip to Ireland...
Photo's are:
The colorful buildings above are in the Quills Woolen Market, A Irish cross in Glendalough, the Irish coast, and a Irish Church in Folk Park. Oh and the lovely mountains goats below.. :-)

Sparkling Greeen beer to all


And Irish tunes they whistle And Irish songs they sing, To-day each Irish lad walks out As proud as any king.
I'll wear a four-leaf shamrock In my coat, the glad day through, For my father and mother are Irish And I am Irish too!

Saint Patrick's Hall in Dublin Castle. Formerly known as the Great Hall & Ballroom until 1764 when an explosion in the armory damaged it & the South West Tower. A Royal Warrant was issued by the then King George 2nd for its rebuilding, and the refurbishment of other areas of the castle which had fallen into disrepair. In 1783 his successor King George 3rd attended the Castle & set up the Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, based on the English Order of the Garter. The subsequent ceremonies and meetings of the Order were held in the Hall.
The Irish Crown Jewels were the insignia of the Knights of the Order of Saint Patrick until they were stolen under suspicious circumstances in 1907. The Jewels have never been recovered & the full account of their disappearance from within the Castle remains a mystery to this day.