Wednesday, November 12, 2008

42 day til Christmas???

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Today the first day of the "Beaver Moon" and 42 days til Christmas.. My how fast the wheel turns . I have begun working on my Christmas cards and making my decoration plans for the house.. I bought three new fairy ornaments this year, and can not wait to see them sparkle. No Christmas shopping really this year already done what I am going to do. So that's a plus.. I cannot believe I actually was frugal enough to have anything to spend at all? But I got little surprises for the ones that are closet to me.. The first wind storm hit last night -->not to bad, but beat up on my green house.. More rain too! Although we have been making head way on tie downs and such for the green house.. There is still more caulking to do and a plan "A" for tying it down, & a plan "B" for emergency situations.. We get hurricane force winds here more often than I like during winter.. Gusting 70 to 90mph.. SO hopefully we have thought this through.. We are very resourceful when need be.. Thank goodness ! Maybe that comes from being poor our entire life..? See, there is always a positive in every aspect of ones life!
Well off to clean my oven.. Yep, how boring is that!!!!

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