Sunday, May 16, 2021

Nature Faery's ; All shapes and sizes

Of the majority of photos I've taken, and video's, this one blows me away. It  appears  to be a coyote walking up a tree?  I have to make the assumption that this is a Nature fae turned into a coyote?  Comment's please..

Lots more to this photo, I cropped out most  of it . I'll post the whole story later. This individual turned into a lamb like creature.  I'm sure the true form is not this large due to the fact I was standing very near to this nature spirit.

Lots of beings in this photo. on the stump top a little guy, on the left side. next to stump at the bottom is a little green Fae left side. many other beings in back ground. For this blog post I'll leave it to just pointing out what  I believe are Nature Fairy's.

This little nature sprite looks so happy she's running to meet the other little fellow I think?  If you look close you can see a fellow on the lower left. there are also other beings in the back ground larger than her.

There are several in this photo, but the nature fae I'm centering on are walking along the log Everyone looked really busy on this day.