Friday, April 16, 2021

Treasures of Tuatha De Danann

Gifts  to the people from the Tuatha De Danann

The Elemental gifts comprise of four directional energies and four ‘Faery Instruments.
The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Danann, give you the ability to anchor these energies in the landscape as Matrices of light.

The Stone;
 is used to channel more directional energies. When working stone circles is to access memories and knowledge that are in the stone. Such stones can be used for fertility points to hold the energies in the earth so that the energy flows in the right direction.

The Sword;
 is used as an acupuncture needle and can be used with earth, air, fire, and water, depending on what work is required at a site and on which level it is required. It is used as a symbolic opening, or closing, of earth vortices. It can anchor solar light, open points beneath water, anchor solar energies in water or the land, etc. (Think of Arthur when he loosed the sword from the stone!) To my mind, he was showing that he was a proficient energy worker, and able to do this work of opening sacred places. It wasn’t a physical sword but an energetic one!

The Spear;
 is used as a channel for more directed energies. When a stone, which is supposed to act as a feeder stone, channelling solar energies into a stone circle, has been disrupted, the use of the spear can make the circle whole again by  binding together the stones as if all were still there and functioning as a whole.

The Cup, or Cauldron;
is the ‘holder’ of vital feminine energies in the landscape. It is the wisdom and knowledge of the Divine Feminine and the nurturing energies of water for healing and life.

The four treasures, which are ‘gifted’ to people are the Harp, the Pipe, the Drum and the Horn. Once you have received one of these gifts, in energetic form, you are then gifted with the ability to use their energies when doing earthwork. When you have received one of these gifts, you will find yourself using them without any conscious intention of doing so. When a site needs these energies you will see them happen, all by themselves. They  
bring Nature back to a harmonious relationship with human beings.

 It gives you the ability to change the vibration of atmospheres in nature.

The Pipe  ( Three holed flute)
is used to change the colour frequencies in certain locations
Putting a place of calm, healing nature where once was greed, power and destruction.

Receiving the Horn is like getting the Elementals  phone number.

The Drum;
 is more earth - centered. It brings the deeper tones of the earth into balance
They remind you of your connection to the balancing forces of nature beneath your feet.

(Had to use a picture of the horn from Narnia)