Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Celtic Calendar

Hi All, Several friends have ask about the holidays in the Celtic year..

So I have listed them below with a brief explanation..

Hope this helps..


Pagan Wheel of the Year
Sabbats are Pagan holidays. The new year begins after Samhain
( Halloween) according to the Celtic almanac.

  • Yule, (Winter Solstice) approximately 21 December - Longest night of the year, various methods of celebrating, most involve some form of lights .Celebrants light candles (indoors), ignite bonfires. Yule marks the longest night of the year -- the triumph of the dark half of the year. Night and darkness have reached their apex and the Wheel turns to restore balance. The dawn heralds the return of the sun, bringer of light, warmth, and growth. In the days following Yule, the sun’s power grows steadily, encroaching upon the night, pushing back the darkness.

  • Imbolc, (Candlemas) 2 February -. Imbolc celebrates the earliest signs of Spring ... the blossoming of the earliest flowers (in some climates snowdrops and crocus appear around this time), the first signs of thawing. At this time the sap begins to rise in the trees. The seeds which slumbered at Yule begin to germinate. It is the “quickening” of the Year.

  • Ostara, (Spring Equinox) approximately March 21st Ostara marks the first day of Spring. It is a celebration of the awakening of the Earth. Ostara marks the first day of Spring. It is a celebration of the awakening of the Earth. All around us, the Earth reveals Her vitality ... in the soft haze of first greening, in the swelling of buds, in the song of the robin. The seeds within the soil have sprouted and are pushing out into the sunlight. Likewise, within us it is time for the seeds we have nurtured since Yule to come into the light and begin to flourish. It is a time of new beginnings, the freshness of dawn. The Earth is young again and so are we. In the Greek myth, Persephone returns from the Underworld to be welcomed in joy by Her mother Demeter, who decks the world in Springtime as a celebration. Now is an ideal time for planting, or for decking your home or altar with flowers. Many people bless the seeds for their gardens on this day.

  • Beltane, (Walpurgisnacht/May Day) 30 April-1 May – Beltane is the last of three Spring festivals. Spring is in its fullest expression; fertility and life is all around us. Traditionally this was a time for blessing the fields and the animals to promote fertility and abundance. Also known as May Day.

  • Litha, (Summer Solstice/Midsummer's Night) approximately 21 June - Longest day of the year Midsummer is the counter-point to Yule on the Wheel of the Year. It is the longest day -- the triumph of the light half of the Year. When the sun has reaches its peak, the Wheel turns to restore balance. In the days that follow, the nights will grow longer and longer, the sun’s power slowly waning. Traditionally, the Celts set wheels (as symbols of the sun) on fire and rolled them down the hillsides to celebrate the power of light, and recognize the imminent decline of the sun. Bonfires were lighted and jumped, and the ashes scattered on the fields to bless and fertilize them.

  • Lammas, approximately 2 August - Lammas celebrates the first harvesting of crops, the first of three harvest festivals. The Earth yields up Her first gifts to us ... a blessing from the Mother and the product of our human hands. It is a time to celebrate the fruitfulness of the Earth and fruits of our labors. We have sown and nurtured, and now we are reaping the benefits in rhythm with the Earth.

  • Mabon, (Autumnal Equinox) approximately 21 Sept. - is the counter-point to Ostara on the Wheel of the Year. It is the first day of Autumn and the second of three harvest festivals. At Mabon, the harvest is at its fullest. This is a time for thanksgiving ... of celebrating the fruits of our labors ... the rich blessings we have received.

  • Samhain, (All Hallows Eve) 31 October – Samhain celebrates the final harvest. This is a time to assess the harvest in our lives. To inventory the blessings of the preceding year, and to take stock of the abundance in our lives, trusting that these blessings will sustain us through difficult or less fruitful times.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Poem

*~* Midsummer Nights Eve *~*

The night is a glow with sweet summer scent.
The moons watchful eye is on this summer event.
Bon fire ablaze with its crackle and pop,
honey wine flows like the foam off a pot.
Flowers strung round in every hue.
to celebrate life and the world that's renewed.
The magic begins right after midnight,
this night seems a haze in the bright fire light.
Creatures of earth take on a new shape,
fairies in flight have a renewed gate.
The night stretches on were magic abounds,
the honey wine taste is as sweet as it sounds.
This Midsummer moon turns a shade of orange gold
as the sun comes arising with new beauty to behold.

June 16, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fairy Dress's for Midsummer Nights Eve

Hi All, With Midsummer Eve's fast approach. I thought the fairies needed new gowns for the all night Gala. Here are four choices.. I think they are lovely.. These are designer gowns by; " Fairie-Ality The House of LLwand..

The Fairy Ball
In the East the Sunshine Castle sparkled with golden light A Fairy Ball for one and all was scheduled for that night The fairy folk cleaned the hall and dressed all to a "T". Suits and dresses, curling tresses, from the biggest to the most tiny But one little fairy, Chloe, in a rosebud, took a rest While her fairy sisters and brothers prepared for each guest. The clock struck nine, the party began and the fairy folk danced through the door,The rosebud opened for a look at the fun and Chloe fell Plop! on the floor! "Oh My! Oh My!" she began to cry"I'm not ready for the ball!" But from a Wise One's wink, Chloe changed in a blink to the fairest fairy of all!
Author Unknown

Friday, June 15, 2007

Summer Solstice/ Litha June 21st

Summer Solstice falls at the precise moment when the Sun's power is at its zenith. It is the time of year when the noon sun appears to be farthest north from the celestial equator. "Solstice" is Latin for "sun stands still" (sol "sun" and sistere "to stand"). Summer Solstice is so named because to the naked eye the sun appears stationary in its northern and southern progression. The sun is directly over the tropic of Cancer at the summer solstice, at which time the sun is 23¡27' north. The sun travels 23.5 degrees to reach its maximum distance from the celestial equator during both the summer and winter solstice.

It is the longest day and shortest night of the year. From the moment of Summer Solstice, the Sun immediately begins to wane. The journey into the harvest season has begun.

Midsummer has been one of the important solar events throughout the evolution of humankind. It was an indicator that the year was about to begin waning, thus winter would be again returning. Although not all the ancients were as precise in the calculations from an astronomical point, you can be sure that they were keenly aware of the sun's progression, and did most assuredly know when Solstice was upon them, as the sun appeared to stand still in its northern progression.

The axis of Stonehenge, which aligns with the monument's entrance, is oriented in the direction of the midsummer sunrise. The Teotihuac‡n Temple of the Sun, a pre-Columbian temple located in Mexico, was also oriented to the sun's passage at the Summer Solstice. During the time of the ancient Egyptians, Sirius (the dog star) rose on the Summer Solstice (today it rises August 10) heralding the beginning of their new year, just before the season of the Nile's flooding. Richard Hinckley Allen suggests that the star is connected with the dog because it was thought of by the ancients as the "guardian of the horizon and also the solstices" (Richard Hinckley Allen's Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning).Ê The impact of the sun's journey was one that traversed all the world's population throughout all time.

The ancients knew that life came from the sun, it was life giving, life supporting, without it life would be lost. The journey of the sun impacted life at every level in the course of time, only relatively recently with the advances of electricity, greenhouses, transportation networks, has human reliance on the passage of the sun been lessened. Even with this dependence lessening, in this technological age, necessity of the sun and its path is crucial to our existence, however it is not as apparent today to many.

Midsummer celebrations begin with Midsummer eve, as the Celts and many ancient groups, reckoned the beginning of day to occur at dream-time or nightfall. Through the progression of Christianity Midsummer's Eve became Saint John's Eve, but the roots of which are and were firmly planted in their Pagan origins.Midsummer Eve is the evening of herbs. The herbs and flowers gathered this night are considered exceptionally potent. St John's wort, burdock, thorn, and nettle , harvested on Midsummer Eve are hung on doors and windows and placed around the home for protection. Houses are decorated with fennel, orpine (also know as Sedum; live forever; stone crop), St. John's Wort and birch branches. Royal Fern (Raithneach na Ri) seeds which are gathered on midsummer are said to make the possessor invisible. They who find Royal Fern blossoms on Midsummer's eve become wise, lucky, wealthy and and all around happy folk. Women wear braided circlets of clover and flowers, while men wear chaplets of oak leaves and flowers around their heads. In times past livestock were also decorated with garlands made of flowers, foliage, and oak leaves.

It is at Midsummer that the Holly King, God of the Waning Year, has encountered the Oak King and succeeded in usurping the reign of the year. In Celtic Mythology the Young God withdraws into the Wheel of the Stars and it is here he waits and learn before his rebirth at Winter Solstice. It is the time when Belenus, Belenos - the Sun god, begins to die, fir-branches; Balefires; were kindled to light his downward path, he will return again at the Winter Solstice, when the Yule logs and lit fir-braches will guide His return. A few of other deities associated with Midsummer include: Lugh, Lleu, Lugos, Aine.

Fire is an important aspect to Midsummer celebrations. The balefires, bonfires on hilltops, at crossroads, or any place where folks could gather reaches far back through the progression of time. The fire of Midsummer is traditionally kindled from the friction of two sacred woods, fir and oak. Nine different types of herbs are thrown upon the Midsummer fire. These consist of mistletoe, vervain, St. John's Wort, heartsease, lavender, and a choice of four others chosen from herbs typical of this season such as yarrow. Folks would feast, dance and jump the fire for luck and fertility. The herds were driven through the embers in days long ago to purge disease and illness from them. When the fires had burned down, folks would carry ashes back to their homes to sprinkle on fields, the four corners, and lay embers on the hearth. Ashes bring powers of protection, health and luck.

Water is the other important aspect of Midsummer. In times past folks swam in waters that flowed towards the rising sun as it climbed in Midsummer morning sky. Bathing in springs and rivers on Midsummer brings healing, cleansing and protection. The dew of Midsummer is said to bestow health to whomever drinks of it. Especially powerful is fetching running water of Midsummer morn and mixing it with ashes from the bonfire, sprinkling it around the house, yard and on oneself bestows protection and luck.

Midsummer is the time of sweet strawberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries and more. New potatoes, lettuce, peas, carrots, radishes and onions are ready for picking. Tarragon, chamomile, sweet woodruff, St. John's wort, hyssop, lovage, mint and other herbs are fresh and delightfully robust. Bee balm, phylox, oxeye daisies, roses, lily of the valley, calendulas, St John's wort, marigolds and others are in bloom, it is a time of olfactory abundance. Foods and decorations center around what nature has bestowed, rich, colorful and flavorful - mint iced teas, dandelion salads, strawberry shortcakes, geranium leaf sorbet, berry pies, daisy chains, lavender wreaths, rosemary garlands. The pure enjoyment that only summer fresh foods, sweet summer flowers and joyful company that only midsummer can bestow.Midsummer is the time when everything is abundant and flourishing. Flowers smell their sweetest, colors are their most vibrant, trees are their greenest, berries are their sweetest, and faeries are their most playful, it is the time that nature's lavishness has reached a pinnacle point. It is said that during a full moon on Midsummer Eve a mortal may witness fairy dances and celebrations. Be sure to leave an offering for the fey on Midsummer eve, so they may think fondly of you and yours.

The passion at Midsummer has escalated from the playfulness of Beltane to a more fervent intensity. Couples who handfasted the year before at Beltane, tend to marry in a more formal handfasting at Midsummer or Lughnasadh. Divination on matters of love are especially powerful Midsummer's eve. In Scandinavian countries, the night before Midsummer, every young girl places a bunch of flowers tied with nine pieces of grass or nine flowers under her pillow, upon which she will sleep and dream of her future husband. In Ireland the young lasses place yarrow under her pillow to dream of her mate.

The moon of Midsummer have a few names one being the Honey Moon, as this is a time when the hives are been rich in honey, which gathered and fermented into a drink known as mead, customarily, drunk at wedding parties. Mead is rumored to be an aphrodisiac; thus we can observe the roots of modern day marriage practices and "honeymoons", in their Pagan soil.

This being the season of passion, will, strength and surprisingly that of soothing love - Midsummer is the perfect time to understand the dynamic aspects of passion, will, strength and the need of the corresponding gentle aspects that love can bestow. The Sun and fire, akin to the Spirit upon which we ride, is coupled with, the Soul, the softening Lunar and water influence. Spirit without Soul is ego in a frenzy whereas Soul without Spirit languishes, there needs to be a proper balance between Fire and Water; Sun and Moon; Spirit and Soul. For it is only through understanding these dynamics, acknowledging our deep pounding passions, our intense sense of will, and the strength united with the gentility of love that is bestow upon us can we utilize them correctly. Giving us a sense of purpose, a direction, a heartfelt and determined course upon which we can set sail. For these passions, will take us to heights unseen, will fuel our creativity, and bring us into realms unrealized in the mundane mind and life.


Midsummer Feather Wreath (For Litha)


  • Craft wire
    · Red feathers
    · Yellow feathers
    · Decorative ivy vines
    · Glue gun

Form a braided wreath with brown craft wire. Then form another braided wreath that fits inside the first one. Glue yellow feathers to one wreath until the craft wire cannot be seen; do the same with the red feathers on the other wreath. Then place one wreath on top of the other and wind them together with the ivy vines.
Ritual use:
You may wish to leave the wreaths separate until the Litha ritual, at which point you bind the yellow wreath and the red wreath together to symbolize the marriage of the God and Goddess. Since yellow and red are so interchangeable in whom they represent, it is up to you if you want to assign one wreath to the God and one to the Goddess.

Dream Pillow (For Litha)

· Material for your pillow
· Stuffing for your pillow
· Needle and thread
· Lavender and sage
Hand-sew a dream-pillow. First cut an expanse of cloth large enough to make your pillow and fold it in half so the INSIDE is OUTSIDE, then sew up the edges except for a hole just large enough to push the stuffing in. Turn your pillow right-side-out and stuff it. Then create a small sachet (of the same material if you like), like a small pillow of the same except you don't have to worry about turning it inside out. Stuff the sachet with lavender and sage, or make one sachet for lavender and one for sage. Then slip the herbs into the pillow. Sew up the final hole. Incidentally, it is best to pick material that is blue or has a water image on it, to represent the wise water element, or a black or black-patterned material, to indicate connection with the Dark Crone Goddess, whose speciality is divination.
Ritual use:
You can actually sew this pillow in the circle, or make it mostly out of the circle and ceremoniously add the herbs while in circle. It is to be blessed with the appropriate tools and dedicated to the water element, and possibly anointed with water or divination-oriented oils. It can then be used to sleep on at night to encourage prophetic dreams. It also functions as a nice Midsummer gift to a handfasting couple or just for any gift.

Litha Decorations

· Dried herbs
· Potpourri
· Seashells
Summer flowers
· Fruits
· The sun
· Anything yellow, orange, and round

Food & Lore for Summer Solstice


  • Round sour dough bread loaves, halved
  • 1/2 pound Broccoli, fresh
  • 1/4 cup Onion, chopped
  • 1/4 cup Margarine
  • 1/2 cup Flour
  • 3 cups Water
  • 4 teaspoons Chicken Bouillon granules
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded

Steam broccoli in small amount of salted water for 10 minutes or until crisp-tender; coarsely chop. In large saucepan, sauté onion in margarine until tender but not brown. Blend in flour. Add water, chicken bouillon, milk, and Worcestershire sauce. Cook and stir until mixture slightly thickens. Add chopped broccoli. Bring to boiling and stir in shredded cheese until melted. Serve soup in individual hollowed out bread loaf halves. Leftover soup freezes well.

APFELPFANNKUCHEN (German Apple Pancake)

  • 2 large Apples, any cooking variety
  • 1/4 cup Butter
  • 1 cup Flour
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon Nutmeg,
  • Confectioners sugar

Preheat oven to 475. Peel, core and very thinly slice the apples: you should have approximately 1-1/2 cups.Melt 3 Tablespoons of the butter over medium low heat in a small fry pan, and sauté the apples until they are just tender. Keep apples warm while preparing the batter.Place a 9 or 10 inch cast-iron skillet in the oven to heat for at least 5 minutes--the pan has to be very hot for this to work. When it is well heated, add the remaining 2 T sp. of butter to melt and put the skillet back in the oven; the butter should be very hot buy not brown when you add the apples and the batter.Place the flour, milk, vanilla, salt and nutmeg in a blender and whirl until smooth. Remove the skillet from the oven, quickly arrange the warm apple slices over the melted butter, and pour the batter evenly over all. Bake for 15 min., reduce heat to 375 and bake 10 minutes longer. The pancake will puff and climb up the sides of the pan. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar, then cut in wedges and serve with maple syrup.


  • 2 Tablespoons Grated Orange Rind
  • 3 Tablespoons Powdered Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Unsalted Butter, at room temperature
  • 1 Tablespoon honey

Combine the orange rind, powdered sugar, butter and honey in a small bowl and blend until well mixed. Chill slightly and serve with scones or biscuits.


  • 3 cups Flour
  • 1/3 cup Sugar
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 cup Buttermilk
  • 3/4 cup Currants
  • 1 teaspoon Grated Orange Rind
  • 1 Tablespoon Heavy Cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 2 Tablespoons Sugar

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Use an ungreased baking sheet. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a mixing bowl. Stir well with a fork to mix and fold air into batter. Add the butter and cut into the flour mixture, using a pastry blender or two knives, or work in, using your fingertips, until the mixture looks like fresh bread crumbs. Add the buttermilk, currants and orange rind. Mix only until the dry ingredients are moistened. Gather the dough into a ball and press so it holds together. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead lightly 12 times. Pat the dough into a circle 1/2-inch thick.Glaze: In a small bowl combine the cream, cinnamon and sugar; stir to blend. Brush the dough with the glaze. Cut the dough into 18 pie-shaped pieces. Place the scones 1 inch apart on the baking sheet. Bake for about 12 minutes or until the tops are browned. Serve hot with Orange Honey Butter.


This Near Eastern pastry is made of many layers of paper-thin dough with a filling usually of honey and ground nuts. If you like honey, you'll probably like Baklava.
· 2 cups unsalted butter
· 1/2 pound of phyllo dough
· 2 cups chopped pecans
· 1 1/2 tablespoons cloves, whole
· 3 cups water
· 1/3 cup white sugar
· 1 cinnamon stick
· 1 cup honey
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
Melt the butter over low heat. Pour 2 tablespoons of the butter into the bottom of a 13 x 9 inch baking pan. Layer 3 sheets of the phyllo dough in the pan. Trim dough to fit.
Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of pecans over the phyllo dough.
Layer 3 more sheets of dough and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of pecans. Continue dough - pecan layers until pan is 3/4 full.
With a sharp knife, score phyllo dough to form diamonds. Press a clove at each end of the diamonds. Pour remaining butter over the dough.
Bake 45 to 50 minutes, until dough is golden brown.
While dough is baking, combine the sugar, water and cinammon stick in medium saucepan and bring to boil, stirring constantly. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the honey and simmer for 2 minutes longer. Remove from heat and discard cinnamon stick.
Pour honey mixture over hot baklava. Let cool on wire racks. Cut into diamonds. Makes 2 dozen.


  • 3 medium zucchini
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
  • 1 Tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 4 Roma tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 Tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

Cut zucchini in half crosswise; cut each half into 6 spears. In large nonstick skillet over medium heat, spread walnuts into single layer. Cook, stirring constantly, for about 3-4 minutes, or until nuts are fragrant and start to brown. Immediately remove from pan; set aside. In same skillet over medium-high heat, melt butter. Add zucchini and cook, stirring constantly, until crisp-tender, about 4-5 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and toasted walnuts; cook just until heated through. Top with parmesan cheese.

Solstice Herb Bread

· 3 C. flour
· 1 tbsp. sugar
· 1 tsp. salt
· 1 pkg. dry active yeast
· 2 tbsp. chopped fresh chives
· 2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
· 1 tsp. fresh thyme
· 1 1/4 C. hot water
· 2 tbsp. Crisco
Mix 2 cups of the flour, sugar, salt and yeast in a large bowl. Add herbs, water, and Crisco. Beat slowly, stirring in remaining cup of flour until smooth. Scrape batter from sides of bowl and let rise in a warm place for 35 minutes or until it doubles in bulk. Punch down and beat with a spoon for about 15 seconds. Place dough in a greased loaf pan, patting down and forming a loaf shape with your hands. Cover and let rise again for about 30 minutes or until it again doubles in bulk. Bake at 375 for 40-45 minutes. Brush top with butter or margarine and remove from pan to cool.

Raspberry Spinach Salad

  • 2 Tablespoons raspberry vinegar

  • 2 Tablespoons raspberry jam

  • 1/3 C vegetable oil

  • 8 C spinach, rinsed, stemmed and torn

  • 3/4 C coarsely chopped nuts

  • 1 C fresh raspberries

  • 3 kiwis peeled and sliced

Combine vinegar and jam and blend adding oil in a thin stream. Place spinach in a bowl and add remaining ingredients in layers.

"Lore that pertains to Summer Solstice/ Litha"

Tools, Symbols & Decorations

The sun, oak, birch & fir branches, sun flowers, lilies, red/maize/yellow or gold flower, love amulets, seashells, summer fruits & flowers, feather/flower door wreath, sun wheel, fire, circles of stone, sun dials and swords/blades, bird feathers, Witches' ladder.


Blue, green, gold, yellow and red.


Bonfires, processions, all night vigil, singing, feasting, celebrating with others, cutting divining rods, dowsing rods & wands, herb gathering, hand fastings, weddings, Druidic gathering of mistletoe in oak groves, need fires, leaping between two fires, mistletoe(without berries, use as a protection amulet), women walking naked through gardens to ensure continued fertility, enjoying the seasonal fruits & vegetables, honor the Mother's fullness, richness and abundance, put garlands of St. John’s Wort placed over doors/ windows & a sprig in the car for protection.

Animals/Mythical Beings

Wren, robin, horses, cattle, satyrs, faeries, firebird, dragon, thunderbird


Lapis lazuli, diamond, tiger’s eye, all green gemstones, especially emerald and jade


Anise, mugwort, chamomile, rose, wild rose, oak blossoms, lily, cinquefoil, lavender, fennel, elder, mistletoe, hemp, thyme, larkspur, nettle, wisteria, vervain ( verbena), St. John’s wort, heartsease, rue, fern, wormwood, pine,heather, yarrow, oak & holly trees


Honey, fresh vegetables, lemons, oranges, summer fruits, summer squash, pumpernickel bread, ale, carrot drinks, mead.


Heliotrope, saffron, orange, frankincense & myrrh, wisteria, cinnamon, mint, rose, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, pine

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am feeling very luck today !!

Hi all, I realize I have been one of the missing or at least not to active recently. Well I have been a little down in the dumps.. Long story but that's the facts.. Today I made my journey to the post box.. Been a couple weeks--> sad but true.. I found beneath all the bills that I had three lovely surprises. Two letters an a lovely silver angel wings tac pin from Kirks Folly -->from a unknown source?? The first letter was from my friend "Dragon" in the UK.. A sweet and heartfelt card full of dragon kisses from across the pond.. The second was from another friend here in the states "Silvercate "and she so thoughtfully send a surprise of the cutest bee stickers. So sparkling an bright in color.. (I post them here.) I really needed some cheering up and all of these unexpected surprises did the trick. I think I can sleep well tonight knowing I have such wonderful and caring friends..

On another note, as a means to cheer myself up I did some early Christmas shopping for my three grand daughters. The oldest is having a B-day end of July. So I got something for her B-day as well..
The shopping task is books in this case. I bought-->

  • Flower Fairies sticker book,
  • My first numbers-Fairyland book,
  • Flower Fairies activity books set of three,
  • The Tooth Fairy and other stories from the Forest Fairies,
  • VHS tape called "Kristen's Fairy House".

Has anyone seen this.. It has won several parenting awards?? It looks lovely as well.. I can say these are the most beautiful books.. If you have young ones or someone young at heart -->>PLEASE check these out I bought them from E-fairies.com the link is in my side bar under favorite shopping spots. I am very impressed!!!

Two thumbs up!! From Bee

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Plant a Zoo Garden

When I was a little one of my outings was going to the zoo. .
*~*The petting farm was always a favorite stop. *~*

Gardeners can create their own zoo in the landscape. There is a variety of annual and perennial
flowers that have an animal names. You will not have to worry about these residents escaping or chewing on your clothing.

  • For a sunny site consider planting butterfly flower, oxeye, monkey flower, cockscomb and toad flax. These plants all have warm, brightly colored blooms.

  • In a shadier site in the landscape, group together cowslip, cranesbill, dog-tooth violet, toad lily and turtlehead. The flowers on these plants have cool color shades that blend well together.
  • Once your new garden is completed, pack up a picnic lunch and visit the zoo in your own

Flower suggestions;

Bears breeches; Beebalm,butterfly flower,cardinal flower,catnip,cockscomb,cowslip,cranesbill,crowfoot dog-tooth violet, foxglove, goatsbeard, hen-and-chickens, horehound, horsemint,lamb’s ear, larkspur, leopard’s bane, monkey flower, oxeye,pig squeak, pheasant’s eye pink, red robin, snakeroot, Solomon’s seal, spider flower, toad lily, toadflax, turtlehead, wake-robin

Happy Gardening
