Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fairy Seeds

Hi to all,

Well today on one of my many adventures to my local nursey. I saw this small display of seeds on my way to the check out counter.. I was so surprised to see this!The display held about 8 diferent types?-- of flower seeds packages in this special packaging from Burpee Seed Company.
I read on the back this product is in coralation with the estate of; Cicely Mary Barker. How cool is this??

On the back there is a tear off , on this one ---> the Forget Me Not's<--- :-) there is "The song of the Forget Me Not Fairy". I post it below. This is such a neat idea I had to share with you all!! Also here is a link that was on the back of the package to;

The Song of the Forget Me Not Fairy
Where do fairy babies lie
Til! they're old enough to fly? Here's a likely place, I think,
'Mid these flowers, blue and pink, (Pink for girls and blue for boys:
Pretty things for babies' toys!) Let us peep now, gently. Why,
Fairy baby, here you lie!
Kicking there, with no one by,
Baby dear, how good you lie! Alt alone, but, you're not—
You could never be—forgot! O how glad I am I've found you,
With Forget-me-nots around you, Blue, the colour of the sky!
Fairy baby, Hushaby!